Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Spiffing Up

Things are greening up at Oak Hill, and I see lots of recent activity, from family members visiting to clean and decorate graves, to city workers and volunteers doing cleaning, maintenance and providing upgrades. Recently the city remodeled inside the office, and last week the exterior landscaping got an upgrade as well.

The mausoleum behind the office is getting sidewalks and landscaping, which should improve its visibility and aesthetics.

The new street sign looks great, and should make it easier for visitors to find the entrance, and also to distinguish Oak Hill from its neighbor, the Catholic cemetery, Mount Olivet.

Last week, in honor of Earth Day, the city, The Oak Hill Preservation Society, and student volunteers from UW Whitewater spent the morning doing a wide range of clean-up tasks, from planting bushes, to trimming, to picking up winter fallen branches, and even cleaning headstones, these folks worked hard to make a difference.

Visitors to Oak Hill will notice fifty new wren houses and robin nesting platforms around the property. place there by a partnership between local Boy Scouts and the Oak Hill Preservation Society - working together to bring a little more wildlife to the cemetery.